I can only hope that having the answers and clarity now gives you some sense of peace even as you feel anger and frustration for the ways in which you went unseen for so many years. I have two kids who were diagnosed with dyslexia as teens (and one also with ADHD) and years later I am still wracked with guilt that I did not see what looked like quirks to me for what they really were. My daughter compensated so well it was hard to believe there was an underlying issue. Luckily in high school, they were diagnosed and got the extra help they needed, also learned that as long as they could listen to textbooks etc on audio they learned it all better. When I see how they are thriving now - one about to graduate college and the other a student at an arts conservatory- I am filled with respect and appreciation for what it took for them to get here. So glad you persevered until you found your answer.